Payment Methods

Payment Terms & Conditions:

  1. We accept payment by Paypal and most of the credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Discover and so on.
  2. We only accept payment in advance. We don’t accept payment by cash on delivery.
  3. To sum up, a full expense that you will bear after purchase includes = product price + shipping fee + discount code (if available). Please note, there is no other additional fees or hidden fees except for shipping fee before or after you make payment.
  4. An order confirmation should be sent to your email address after your payment. If you don’t receive the email, please contact us.
  5. Payment Safety Guaranteed. If you don’t receive your order or you are not satisfied with your order, you may contact us within 180 days after your payment,  file a dispute via Paypal or contact your bank to start a chargeback. Please note that our store does not collect your credit/debit card number or personal information when you make a payment. For questions regarding your transactions on our site, please consult your card-issuing bank for information. Please wait until you see “Thank you” page, otherwise your order will possibly become the abandoned checkout. Thank you for your time!
  6. If you have a discount code, please use the code before payment. You can apply coupons to your order at checkout. Once you’ve entered your coupon code, click “apply” and the discount will automatically adjust your order total. Please note that if you do not click “apply” before continue checkout, your order total will not reflect coupon.
  7. We only ship after your payment arrives. If you pay via echeck, please be sure we ship after your payment clears. But your order will be processed before payment clears.
  8. Your 100% satisfaction is our goal.


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